Tuesday, 15 January 2013

10 weeks Post-op

First I must wish all my readers a Very Happy New Year, I hope you all had a marvelous Christmas!! :-)

WOW! How quick time has gone by! I can't believe it's already 10 weeks since I had my op.  It feels like only yesterday, but on the same note it feels as if it has been such a long, hard slog that's it's almost forever! So since I last blogged a bit has happened that I felt I should write about.  So, my infection was treated successfully, the swelling and redness has all but gone now.  My appointment with Prof on the Thursday went fine. He was happy with everything and said he was happy to "leave you alone for a couple of months now". So I have an appointment on 14th February at which he said he "may" expand, depending on how I'm doing.  So as it is Valentine's Day, Andy will be coming down with me, and you never know, I may get slightly bigger boobs as a Valentine's gift!!!

I am so much better than I was, mentally! I no longer find myself bursting into tears at any random moment, I don't hate myself for going through with the surgery, I am getting used to seeing and feeling my new boobs. And I can really visualise how they will look when they are complete.  Last week I found myself looking back at all the photos I have taken so far on my surgical journey (I definitely recommend doing this!) And I can't believe how far I have come! I think this should be advised as part of the counselling process. If you can't SEE how far you have progressed, it is harder to FEEL how far you have progressed, but if you SEE it you can FEEL it... I think! (I hope that makes sense!)It worked for me anyway!

I'm now driving, only shortish journeys but it's a huge step! My first outing was on 21/12/12. I just drove with Andy down to the supermarket...that was enough for me, he drove back. But I have been building myself up. It's really strange the things you take for granted...for example, I had to put the car into reverse by using both hands!  I couldn't wear my contact lenses until a couple of weeks ago as I couldn't lift my arm up to hold my eyelid open. I still can't drain and mash the potatoes. I had to have a friend come round to straighten my hair for me, and my first bath WITH bubbles was only last week! (It's slippy and difficult to get out of, you can't push or pull yourself up!) I should mention that 2 days after my infection was treated I came down with the flu and really hurt one of my left ribs from sneezing and coughing, so this also added to my recovery time.

I'm still not sleeping great, and don't know what to put this down to as I'm not in as much pain as I was, I'm not particularly worried about anything out of the ordinary, (doesn't everyone have SOME worry about work and money?!) But I'm sure that as soon as I sort my sleep pattern out I will be absolutely fine!

So what now? Well, just wait until next month to see what happens at my appointment.  In the meantime, Mum will be going in hospital next week for corrective surgery but at least I'm still off work so can help her.

Comments welcome :-)
Lots of Love,
